Empowering veterans by providing comprehensive support, compassionate care, and sustainable solutions
to help them reclaim their lives and reintegrate into society with dignity and purpose.
One Community Now’s 13th Annual Operation Stand Down
April 25-26, 2025
Operation Stand Down is a weekend event offered once a year to honor the service and sacrifice of all veterans. We place a special emphasis on reaching the homeless and at-risk veterans in our community to connect them to the resources available that will help rebuild their lives, restore hope and pave the way to a brighter future.
Each year we welcome over 300 veterans who meet with vendors and utilize services. In 2024, the support of our sponsors helped us to provide:
- 144 veterans with dental services (extractions, fillings, cleanings, dentures),
- 106 veterans received medical screenings and acuuncture
- 61 court cases were heard and
- 10 veterans got their license restored
- 21 veterans received information leading to permanent housing
- 63 veterans participated in workshops focusing on Whole Health and mental health.
After the Stand Down is over, your financial support continues to provide on-going care at our Veterans Support Center, where we provide year round comprehensive support, compassionate care and sustainable solutions to help the veterans reclaim their lives and reintegrate into society with dignity and purpose.
We hope you will join us in honoring those who have serve this great nation by becoming a sonsor for the 2025 Operation Stand Down.

How Can I Help?
By donating to One Community Now, you help us be the hands and feet that our community needs. You give us the chance to help people who live in fear every day, and you help us build a community, because with One Community Now we don’t just help, we build relationships, trust and become family.
Come join us! Looking to get involved with One Community Now but may not know how? Volunteering is a great way to learn more about who we are and what we do. If you want to help others and make a change in people lives, sign-up today to volunteer.