Eradicating Childhood Hunger
One Community Now Pack-A-Sack Food 4 Kids is a kid-friendly school-based program designed to help address the problem of chronic hunger among school age children in Pasco County. We focus on recruiting local churches, businesses and organizations to adopt their local school and provide food for teacher-identified chronically hungry children over the weekend and extended breaks. Each sack contains 10-12 different food items designed to provide nutrition and calories for chronically hungry school children on weekends. Each sack of food costs approximately $6.50 and includes kid-friendly foods that require no preparation. Kids can just “open and eat.”
There are over 7,000 children in Pasco County that are going to bed hungry every night. Children that are food insecure have behavior problems, suffer with health problems, lack concentration skills, and have a higher absenteeism rate at school. Our program feeds over 1,500 children every weekend in 38 different Pasco County schools with the help of over 20 different community partners. Every year we host the One Community Now Pack the Park for Pack A Sack, as our annual fundraiser for the Pack A Sack program.

Children eligible for free & reduced meals in Pasco County in 2023
Children are fed each week through One Community Now Pack-A-Sack Program
Schools Participate in the One Community Now Pack-A-Sack Program
Interested in making a donation? Your tax-deductible financial donation is appreciated. You can pay by check or click on the donate button at the top of the page to make a donation by debit or credit card. Checks should be made out to One Community Now and mailed to:
One Community Now
PO Box 476
Elfers, FL 34680
How Can I Help?
By donating to One Community Now, you help us be the hands and feet that our community needs. You give us the chance to help people who live in fear every day, and you help us build a community, because with One Community Now we don’t just help, we build relationships, trust and become family.
Come join us! Looking to get involved with One Community Now but may not know how? Volunteering is a great way to learn more about who we are and what we do. If you want to help others and make a change in people lives, sign-up today to volunteer.